Window, Leaded Glass

A window made of sections or panes of glass held together by lead strips of metal channel (came) that hold the glass sections or pieces together. The glass also contains a lead oxide that makes it leaded glass.

Came is an “H” or “U” shaped channel used to hold pieces of glass together. It is typically lead, zinc, brass, or copper.

Note: Do not include sidelights around an entry door as windows. Use the appropriate door sidelight materials under Exterior Doors (Count or SF) on the materials dialog.

Included in Cost: Leaded glass, lead/metal parting strips (came), solder, shims, casing/trim, caulk, paint, fasteners, and installation labor.

Enter the total square footage, between 0 and 10,000, of leaded glass windows found in the home.

Help file last modified: 7/26/2018